Refund and Returns Policy

Returns and Refund Policy

We allow refunds in genuine cases. However, in case if a wrong or a defective product has been delivered, do let us know within 24hrs of delivery. You can write to us at or call us on 08668736130 (8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, 7 days a week. Our representative will contact you and may ask for some details about the product delivered or defaults therein. We expect your co-operation and support in completing the process and that will allow us to resolve your complaint expediently.

In genuine cases the company will refund payment for the damaged and/or defective product, only. We have a refund policy which entitles all our members to return the product at the time of delivery if it is received in a damaged state. It would be much easier for us to evaluate the damaged product if you take a video while opening the packaging of the product. If the product is received in a damaged condition by the customer, we will take the returned product back and issue a replacement product. For the wrong product delivered, company will either replace the product with the right one otherwise refunds the amount for the wrong product delivered.

OMS is not responsible and does not guarantee refund for cases where:

  • Flowers, plants, gift products and preserved items are delivered to incorrect address provided by the sender.
  • Unsuccessful deliveries arising from the recipient not being present at the time of delivery at the address provided by the sender or the recipient refusing to accept the delivery.
  • Product quality problems caused by improper handling of the product by the recipient.

No Cancellation of order is allowed, however in genuine case you can write to us at or call us on 08668736130 (8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, 7 days a week. Acceptance of such request at our discretion.

In the event we are unable to supply all or part of your order (the product or any substitute product to you at all), we shall notify you as soon as possible and reimburse your payment for the part undelivered.

Once the request processed by OMS, refund takes 10 to 15 business days to reflect in your account.

Damaged/Defective Products

We allow refunds in genuine cases. However, in case if a wrong or a defective product has been delivered, do let us know at the earliest. You can write to us at or call us on 08668736130 (8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, 7 days a week within 24 hours of receiving the product. Our representative will contact you and may ask for some details about the product delivered or defaults therein. We expect your co-operation and support in completing the process and that will allow us to resolve your complaint expediently.

In genuine cases the company will refund payment for the damaged and/or defective product, only. Subject to the Terms and Conditions, once refund is initiated by OMS, it takes 10-15 business days for the refund amount to reflect in your account.


It will not be possible for us to accept any request for product exchanges.


  • Products can only be returned if they are subject to warranty terms, available under product information on our website. Warranty, against manufacturing defects for the products exists for all orders placed through our website
  • Warranty can be availed only against manufacturing defects, and it cannot be claimed for defects due to mishandling of the products or normal wear and tear

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